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IrfanView 4.27 + Rus
[ · Скачать удаленно (1.33 Mb) ] 12.05.2010, 23:58
 4.27 + Rus

IrfanView - компактная и в то же время мощная программа для просмотра и конвертации графических файлов с продвинутыми возможностями, поддерживающая множество форматов графики, есть опции редактирования. Кроме работы с графическими файлами, IrfanView понимает многие аудио и видеоформаты; вдобавок, возможности программы можно значительно расширить за счет плагинов, хотя и без них IrfanView обладает множеством достоинств: в программе имеются базовые средства обработки графики, можно конвертировать файлы из одного формата в другой, делать скриншоты с экрана и заставки для рабочего стола, есть режимы слайдшоу и thumbnail (показ уменьшенных копий), а также функция вытаскивания иконок из *.exe и *.dll файлов. Кроме этого, явным плюсом программы является ее небольшой размер.

IrfanView 4.27 + Rus

Some IrfanView features:

* Many supported file formats (click here the list of formats)
* Multi language support
* Thumbnail/preview option
* Paint option - to draw lines, circles, arrows, straighten image etc.
* Toolbar skins option
* Slideshow (save slideshow as EXE/SCR or burn it to CD)
* Show EXIF/IPTC/Comment text in Slideshow/Fullscreen etc.
* Support for Adobe Photoshop Filters
* Fast directory view (moving through directory)
* Batch conversion (with image processing)
* Multipage TIF editing
* File search
* Email option
* Multimedia player
* Print option
* Support for embedded color profiles in JPG/TIF
* Change color depth
* Scan (batch scan) support
* Cut/crop
* IPTC editing
* Effects (Sharpen, Blur, Adobe 8BF, Filter Factory, Filters Unlimited, etc.)
* Capturing
* Extract icons from EXE/DLL/ICLs
* Lossless JPG rotation
* Unicode support
* Many hotkeys
* Many command line options
* Many PlugIns
* Only one EXE-File, no DLLs, no Shareware messages like "I Agree" or "Evaluation expired"
* No registry changes without user action/permission!
* and much much more

IrfanView 4.27 + Rus

What's New in This Release:

* Updated/improved TIF loader
* Save dialog: if you write file extension, the right file type is selected
* New edit menu: Crop visible window area (incl. zoom)
* The internal selection code has been changed (to fix some rounding errors)
* New capture option: Object capture (with auto scroll, if possible)
* New button in Batch progress dialog: Return to batch (use same files again)
* New JPG save dialog option: Keep XMP data (from original JPG file)
* New command line option: /effect=(effect-nr,value1,value2) Apply effect from Effects-Browser dialog, Example: Apply Blur of 30 i_view32.exe c:\image.jpg /effect=(1,30,0)
* New option in Print dialog: Auto rotate (based on image dimensions)
* New HTML dialog option: Create thumbs without frame/border
* Support for BLP format (BLP-2, Formats PlugIn)
* PSD loading bug/crash fixed (PSD bug reported by Secunia, thanks!)
* Fixed problem in "Create multipage PDF" dialog
* Batch conversion of multipage images to multipage PDF is now possible (Advanced options work on the first page only)
* New image menu: Add border/frame (Thanks to Balazs from 530.hu)
* New edit menu: Create maximized current custom selection (using dialog values)
* New edit menus: Create maximized selection (for some standard ratios)
* Bigger "Browse for folder" dialog
* New option in Properties->Browsing: Beep on folder loop (or screenshot save)
* New option for external editors: Send all filenames in one call (Properties->Misc)
* New option in Postscript PlugIn/Dialog: Set custom Ghostscript DLL location
* Another Blur effect added (Total variation method, thanks to Daniel Marks)
* New option in Properties->Extensions->Icons: Leave current icon (for XP only)
* Hotkey CTRL + A can be used to select and unselect whole image (toggle)
* New fullscreen hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + W: Stretch images over all monitors (toggle)
* Hotkey: CTRL + right mouse drag: scroll image even if Conext menu option activated
* Change in CTRL + Print key action: minimize IrfanView window before capturing
* New HTML template variables: #IMAGE_PATH#, #IMAGE_BASENAME#, #IMAGE_EXT# and #SELF_LINK# (see help file, HTML Export page)
* Skin change problem on Linux/Wine fixed
* Some "Multipage images" menus moved from View to Options menu
* The hidden mouse in fullscreen/slideshow mode will be showed on mouse move
* New command line option: /random, can be used only with /wall => set random wallpapers, see "i_options.txt" for examples
* New feature for administrators: "DefaultLang" for INI file (set default language) => see FAQs for an example
* New Lossless JPG Dialog option: Perfect (error on non-perfect JPG images/sizes)
* New hotkey: SHIFT + Mouse-Wheel: scroll image horizontally
* New hotkeys: "=" for zoom in; CTRL + G = image->grayscale
* Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions

Скачать | download: IrfanView 4.27 + Rus (1,35 МБ)
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